Instrumentation (configuration) is dependent on your needs and budget and ranges from Solo Joe (Joe Rathburn on guitar and vocals, with recorded backing tracks for a full band sound) up to the 6 piece ISLAND (Joe with bass player/vocalist, drummer, steel drummer, percussionist, and another musician who multitasks on flute/keyboards/and vocals). Every configuration, starting with the ISLAND Duo, can feature the steel drums, the signature sound of the Caribbean. The ISLAND is capable of handling all situations from quiet background music, to conga lining around the pool.

By including J.R.'s ISLAND in your entertainment program you'll be giving your guests the very best at a reasonable cost, while solving the hardest puzzle of all: "How do I please the widest possible range of people?"

The Perfect Choice for Your Event!
Solo Joe - Joe Rathburn on guitar and vocals, with recorded backing tracks for a full band sound and/or quiet background music, to conga lining around the pool.

You are listening to the Kokonut Joe audio demo
Solo Joe                                                   (turn your speakers on to hear audio demo)